Pothole Repair Experts Westland, Michigan

4 years ago

Living in Michigan we are all familiar with the nasty potholes that come along with Michigan's winters. As the temperatures…

Does Your Engine Really Need Service?

5 years ago

Of course, all vehicles have a check engine light that pops on when something isn't right. The light that makes…

Preparing Your Car with Mr. Muffler before Your Summer Vacation Road Trip

5 years ago

Summer vacation road trips are always fun to go on, especially when it’s with your friends and family. There’s no…

Recovering From Winter’s Wear and Tear

5 years ago

Winter seems to add wear and tear on our vehicles, especially older cars or trucks. As professional auto mechanics in…

Conventional or Synthetic Which Oil Is Best For Your Car

5 years ago

A lot of people do not know the difference between conventional and synthetic oil. Conventional oil is produced from drilling…